Wednesday, November 15, 2006

...The 23 year old me...

Last time I went to Iran I was full of excitement, full of emotions, those that I usually had since I was little, the ones that cannot go into any category, and most of people I know never experience...
I still have those, but now they are inside me, so deep, that I don't know if I go and look inside, will they be friends with me or strangers?

Sometimes I wanted them to hide, but most of the times I wanted them to go free,
when they went free, they usually came back inside right away, and then it was hard to find them, since they wanted to play hide and seek, not because they were like kids, but because world was too cruel for them...
and sometimes very rare, very very very rare, they would hit the strong mountains, and they got reflected to me, and then resonance happened, since according to laws of my old love, physics, all the waves had the same frequency, and they increased humongously,,,,and we all liked it then, although again from those very rare moments, mostly only memories left, not because they wouldn't happen again, but because I'm very far from the mountains,
cause you see where I live, is like a vast field, windy and unlimited,
and even if I try so hard to get to the mountains I can only find the wind, and wind will carry me away to places, but only if I'm light...
and right now I don't feel light, cause those feelings inside really like it in there...
Maybe this time when I go to Iran, I become full of silence, full of heaviness, and full of me, the 23 year old me...

1 comment:

Maryam said...

Maryam! It was just too bUtFul and impressing!!