Sunday, October 01, 2006

Overpass fell 'like a house of cards'!

Now who's responsible for a highway collapse?
who's responsible for 5 innocents driving in a car to their loved ones,
for 5 families?
Is it the engineer who signed under the design maps?
Is that him who gave oath and put the Iron ring on?
or is it the lack of preventive maintenance on a bridge who hasn't been touched since 1970 after its instruction?
After all these winters come and gone, all these millions and millions of cars, trucks and people passing by...
Is the bridge safe?
Who was responsible for this thought?
Why don't we think enough? Why don't we question ourselves?
and why do we mock people who dare to think and question?

P.S. and soon I will be wearing one of those Iron rings, swear under the oath that I will be a responsible engineer, someone who doesn't play with people's lives...!

1 comment:

prasad said...

if u come to this country here,
u might well ask

who is responsible for this country?