To my unborn daughter
Last night I saw you!
I saw you for maybe the second, or third time;
and you are not even born yet!
You know how beautiful you are!?!
You probably will not see this for many years from now,
I can tell you now, you are SO beautiful!
so amazing...beyond my powerless words to describe you...
you are my third miracle, maybe the biggest ever!
It reminds me of when I saw your dad,
maybe 3 years before I met him in this earthy world -
in another dream,
and he was the best thing that ever happened to me!
you were so delicate
you were speaking when you were few days old!
and you were funny
just like your dad
you were so strong
and you never ever told me you were cold or hungry or scared
cause you were strong like you have been there before, like nothing can break you
and I was in aww looking at you
how could you be that amazing?
You are loved!
You are loved and I know I will have a friend soon!
A friend like my mom!
A friend like you who I can be with like no one else!
you are so loved!
Listen to this repeat it with me and let me remind you for all the seconds I have in this world with you...
You are so Loved!
when you grow up,
and you feel the world is not always as lovely as your mom and dad's home,
think of this,
think of all the time I loved you even before you were born!
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