Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our pain goes deeper...

After 7 years of being a Canadian, today, I was disappointed. Today was the day that I realized even in Canada my voice cannot be heard. In a country where a great percentage of its citizens, workers, students, and children are Iranian, Canada chose to ignore their heartache and their tears. I am disappointed that CBC radio does not cover Iranian’s stories; I am disappointed that I have to look for Iran’s news in CNN and BBC and not in CBC and I have to say that this even makes my wounds more painful. I ask CBC to follow the political situation in Iran deeper and closer. It is a headline in every other country in the world that does not have as many Iranian citizens as Canada…Please let our voices to be heard!


A proud Iranian-Canadian


Unknown said...

Is this all about picking the lesser of the two evils?

EternallyExceptional said...

evlis? that comes back to your definition of evil.