Wednesday, November 12, 2008

what if ?

Today was one long day,
and I didn't hear your voice...
I sometimes wonder why I did this
why did I let you go
why love someone so much
and still let them go
and why you loved me so much
and you had to let me go too
I wonder
and then I remember that saying
that love is not enough
but then I remember another saying
that love is the answer to anything

I get confused!

and yet my brain tells me to be patient
while my heart is missing you so much

and my nose smells your cologne everywhere

and it doesn't matter that we haven't seen each other since summer

I still remember every single detail of the last four years

and I wonder if I'm ever gonna love anybody as much as you
and if anybody could love me the way you did...

what if it was all a mistake!

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