Friday, November 10, 2006


I forget,
and forget all that it was,
I forget that once I was tired of where I was, and dreamed big,
dreamed to be not just a butterfly but an eagle,
and I flew with my wings wide open,
And I forgot....
all those others that we think they come from different planets,
a lower conservative planet,
those that our talks were made of them,
and our discussions were all whining and complaining of them,
their existence, their power in our private lives, in our country...
and each and everyday,
to my astonishment,
within searching for me and my life,
I was ending up talking about them,
big talks,
like those that never happens...
like those that when they happen it get worse,
and you see that it wasn't worth it...

So I flew,
to a "better" place where there was no "other"
and I tried to find me,
and to my astonishment again,
I found that me without those others,
those that could have a different shape in "better" places,
without those,
there was no reason to come to a "better" place,
and thinking my very own "better" place is my homeland,
was my homeland,
and will be forever,
even if the existence of those others,
would make you dream big, and bigger,
dream of better places...

That better place,
where reading Hafez in short breaks in highschool would give you great joy,
hope and power,
where laughing hard outside your borders was considered to be bad,
and having watermelon in the longest night of the year was only one of your small reasons to be happy,
where behind each corner, there was a story,
lived there for thousands of years,
and you just had to discover it...
where I know I will never forget,
I will not forget that feeling safe was bound to the walls of my home,
not forget, that hard laughs within those walls is going to stay there,
inside those walls,
and maybe I do feel safe in this "better" place, any time and anywhere, not only inside my walls,
but will I ever laugh hard again!?!

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